We Are Eximious

Created with Sketch.

Eximious comes from the Latin adjective eximious which means

“selected, distinguished, excellent”

The word is commonly used in history of governance and public administration as well as demonstrates knowledge
and skills in great civilization.

These characteristics of DPA 1/2018 explain the philosophy behind the word that will be applied in our nature of work .


Logo rationale

Artistic images of a headgear (tanjak/tengkolok) and  dagger (keris) as the identity of Malay monarchs.

The image manifests the heritage of Malaysian civilization which we vow to protect.

The gold and emerald green swoosh lines represent the “Raja and  Rakyat”  to whom civil servants will have to serve.


Keterangan Logo

 Lambang ‘E’ Mewakili nama kumpulan peserta Program Pascasiswazah Diploma Pengurusan Awam (DPA). EXIMIOUS membawa maksud cemerlang dan terkenal.
Lambang Kilat Melintang Setiap ahli kumpulan mempunyai ketahanan daya mental kuat.
Warna Hijau Ketenangan dan keseimbangan dalam diri setiap ahli kumpulan
Warna Kuning Optimistik dan mempunyai jati diri yang unggul. Warna ini bermaksud menjunjung tinggi kedaulatan raja yg diketuai Yang di-Pertuan Agong  yang melantik kami dan akan kami setia berkhidmat kepadanya.